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A CLI for creating and managing static sites on Orbiter

Before installing make sure you already have an account; sign up at


The orbiter-cli is an NPM package you can download with manager of choice.

Terminal window
npm i -g orbiter-cli

Confirm that it was installed successfully by running the main command

Terminal window


Running the orbiter command will reveal the available subcommands

Terminal window
orbiter <subcommand>
> Upload and deploy static sites with
where <subcommand> can be one of:
- login - Login with OAuth
- auth - Authenticate using an API key
- create - Upload and create a new site on Orbiter
- list - List existing sites for your account
- update - Update a site with a new file or folder
- versions - List versions of your website
- rollback - Rollback a site to a previous version
- delete - Delete an existing site
For more help, try running `orbiter <subcommand> --help`


Start by running login including your --provider (shorthand -p) of choice (google or github)

Terminal window
orbiter login --provider google


An alternative way to authenticate the CLI is with an Orbiter API key. This can be obtained at You can either just run orbiter auth and it will prompt you for the key and not display it visibly, or if you’re using the CLI in an automation you can use the --key flag.

Terminal window
orbiter auth # Will prompt you for the key
orbiter auth --key <YOUR_API_KEY> # Will bypass the prompt and authorize

orgs (Deprecated)

If you happen to be a member of multiple organizations you can list them and select them with this command. When you login the CLI will select the first in the list by default and store the data until updated with the orgs command.

Terminal window
orbiter orgs


Uploads and create a new site on Orbiter. Must include the --domain or -d for the default subdomain of the site. After providing a name give the path to the file or folder of the website you are creating, must contain an index.html file.

Terminal window
orbiter create --domain mysite ./dist

After sucessfull creation the CLI will return the URL of the new site.

Site created:


List all sites currently on your Orbiter account. You can filter by domain with -d followed by the subdomain of the site.

Terminal window
orbiter list

This will return the following JSON response from the API:

data: [
id: 'string',
created_at: 'string',
organization_id: 'string',
cid: 'string',
domain: 'string',
site_contract: 'string',
updated_at: 'string',
deployed_by: 'string',
custom_domain: 'string',
domain_ownership_verified: boolean,
ssl_issued: boolean


Update an existing site with a file or folder. You can target a site with either the --siteId | -s or the --domain | -d (subdomain) followed by the updated folder or file. Both the subdomain and site ID can be found by using orbiter list.

Terminal window
orbiter update --siteId a5dae6af-ad43-4bb3-bdab-3a4d41b573cc ./new-dist
orbiter update --domain astro-demo ./new-dist


List previous versions of a site for a given subdomain, ie <subdomain> the cid listed in the response can be used in rollback to rollback a site to a previous version.

orbiter versions <subdomain>

This will return the following object

data: [
id: 'string',
site_id: 'string',
created_at: 'string',
organization_id: 'string',
cid: 'string',
domain: 'string',
site_contract: 'string',
version_number: number,
deployed_by: 'string'


Rollback a site to a previous version using the subdomain and the cid of the previous version to update it. Use versions to get the previous versions for a site.

orbiter rollback <subdomain> <cid>


Delete an existing site using the site ID which can be obtained by using orbiter list

Terminal window
orbiter delete bac0b100-1f5f-4c64-8cfa-a8ae9b22671


If you have any issues or questions feel free to reach out!

[email protected]